How To Avoid the Crowds in Gatineau Park This Fall (But Still See Some Beautiful Foliage)

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This summer, Gatineau Park was the busiest I’ve seen it in YEARS. Normally, fall is my favorite time of year to head across the bridge into Gatineau Park because of the beautiful colours. But I have a feeling it’s going to be even busier over there during Fall Rhapsody.

I’ve never been one for huge crowds. So over the years I’ve figured out lots of ways to try and avoid them when I’m out hiking. Here are my best ideas for how to avoid massive crowds in Gatineau Park this fall (but still get to look at some beautiful fall foliage).

Lac Philippe in the northern section of Gatineau Park is a beautiful spot to visit that’s not as crowded as some of the trails. Thanks to @asolism for this stunning photo!

Go on a Weekday

One of the best things about being on maternity leave was how I could go hiking any day that I wanted. Now that I work Monday-Friday again, it’s made me realize just how much quieter trails are during the week in the middle of the day! If there are popular parts of Gatineau Park that you want to visit, and you can get there on a weekday instead of a weekend, I guarantee you’ll have a better time.

It’s been tricky to plan visits throughout the summer with the Parkways closed for “active users” almost every single day, but good news! As of September 26th, the Parkways will be open to vehicle traffic from noon until sunset, every day of the week.

And if you’re prepared to walk or bike along the Parkways to your destination during the times they’re closed to vehicles, there’s a really good chance you’ll have that trail all to yourself.

Go on a Rainy Day

I’m not a huge fan of the rain, but since going back to work and having fewer days to spend outdoors, I’ve grown to… Tolerate it.

And one really great thing that I’ve noticed is that on rainy days (even the ones with just a little rain!), there are FAR fewer people out on the trails. So now when I see rain in the forecast, instead of planning an indoor activity, I just look at what time the rain is ACTUALLY going to show up. Then I plan my day around that.

The Luskville Falls Trail looking gorgeous. Thanks for capturing this @emersonjoekumar!

Go Further into the Park

If we’re being brutally honest (and we are), the traffic in the south end of Gatineau Park has been a nightmare this summer. And I don’t see it getting much better this fall.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great spots in the north end of the Park that don’t get enough credit.

Luskville Falls is one of my all-time favorite hikes in Gatineau Park because it’s a bit challenging, and there are gorgeous views along the way. Not to mention you can go AROUND the Park to get there instead of through it, so the drive there is much less of a headache.

The beaches at Lac Philippe are also beautiful, further from the crowds, and lend themselves to a more relaxing day than Luskville Falls. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you could head over to the Lusk Cave, or rent a boat and head out on the water!

For anyone feeling extra Instagram-y, Meech Creek Valley has rolling hills and that beautiful red covered bridge to photograph.

The colours at Lac Philippe, as photographed by @jo.explore.

Visit the Greenbelt

If you’re someone who really dislikes crowds, it honestly might be worth skipping Gatineau Park all together. There, I said it!

There are lots of great trails in the Greenbelt on the Ottawa side, and the trees there are just as beautiful as the ones in Gatineau Park. Plus, the NCC puts out a “Colour Meter,” so you can check and see exactly when colours will be at their most vibrant in the Greenbelt, in order to plan your visit.

There are also a lot of neat urban hikes in Ottawa that I’ve been exploring this summer, like the trails near the Rideau Falls. The bonus of these urban hikes (besides the beauty) is that you can quickly find yourself on a patio too!

As a bonus, all of the trails in the Greenbelt are open to everyone at all times, so you can go there early in the morning! My daughter gets up between 6-7 a.m. every day like clockwork, so this year we’ve had lots of opportunities to learn that the trails are VERY quiet if you get there early enough!

The colours in the Greenbelt are gorgeous too! Thanks for this adorable photo @thatbrittanyanne!

Choose a Longer Hike

This one always works! Over the years I’ve found that the further I go from the trailhead, the fewer people there are. Not everyone is up for a super long hike, but if you are, this is definitely a tried and true way of avoiding the crowds.

Have a Back-Up Plan

This is something I’ve started doing just this year. Mostly because it didn’t seem necessary other years.

There have been a few times where I’ve headed out to a trailhead and the parking lot has been CRAMMED. And then I felt like I didn’t really want to smush onto the trail with a bunch of other people, but because I hadn’t come up with a back-up plan, we were spending a lot of time figuring out where else we could go. Or, we ended up just not hiking at all that day. Unacceptable!

So now before we head out I take a look at either the Gatineau Park map, or the Trail Finder on Adventure Report so I have a few ideas of places we could visit if things seem too overwhelming at our original destination. That way I also don’t feel compelled to stay in a certain spot if it’s too busy, just because I can’t think of anything better to do.

We’re lucky to have a ton of beautiful trails in and around Ottawa to choose from. Photo by @nwilmeri!

Happy Hiking!

I’m really happy that there are so many people getting out and enjoying nature this year. I think it’s a great way for people to spend time together and stay healthy. Especially this year, when things have been stressful for so many of us.

But since I’m an introvert, I’ll be using all these tricks until winter comes along and everybody heads back inside!

I hope this trip report has enough info to get you there too. Let me know in the comments or share and tag a friend to start planning your next adventure!

This post has been sponsored by the NCC but all advice shared is advice I have collected over the years and believe will serve you well.

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